Team building in Italy
We organize amazing team building in Italy. Fly in a hot air balloon is a unique experience as a formative instrument and as a company incentive
Team Building in Italy
In the huge range of activities with the aim of creating work teams and of improving the atmosphere and management of the working tension, the request of original and captivating team building activities it’s becoming more and more common. The aim is that of creating the identity of productive and close teamwork. In order to answer these requests, our international events company “Prestige Events” thought about the realization of team building in Italy activities, focused on the aerostatic world and on Hot Air Balloons.
Ballooning: team building in Italy like a real work experience
The organization of ballooning activities as team building in Italy allows the creation of all the dynamics required in order to build and strengthen the identity of the business group, living an extraordinary outdoor teamwork experience. Thanks to its playful value, it’s possible to say that ballooning team building in Italy is one of the best team activities able to stimulate the emergence of the company leadership, thanks to the establishment of a real support team, helping the Hot Air Balloon pilot through its flight.
Team building in Italy: corporate groups flying in Italy on Hot Air Balloons
Ballooning team building in Italy is structured as well as a team flight activity: it’s conducted through the use of more Hot Air Balloons that take off together. The team construction moment (which gives name to all of the team building activities) starts from the departure: the moment in which all of company teams are called to give help to the pilots and the crew during the preparation of the hot air balloon to the takeoff. Later, corporate team building activities go-ahead during the flight, through the shared emotion of an extraordinary and magical flight experience on Hot Air Balloons over the most suggestive landscapes of Italy. Out team building in Italy try to let ability and precision of each team emerge through challenges during the flight causing the variation of the command roles and the leadership to strengthen all of relationships between the members of the crew. The restitution to company teams, after all team building in Italy activities is to have felt a formative, playful, and enriching activity which will help all of the formation processes and dynamics of the group with a great emotion experience like only ballooning in Italy can be.
Ballooning team building in Italy is an amazing instrument
Our international events company “Prestige Events” suggests ballooning as team building in Italy activity in order to help the relationship atmosphere of every single company, and to create stronger relationships between all of the colleagues. Ballooning team building in Italy is a functional instrument that will positively influence all of those processes studied for a lot of time by social psychology, whose importance is essential for the success and maintenance of a working atmosphere in which everyone could work and produce with positivity and serenity.